Category Archives: Poetry


Awhile back, while we were busy trying to figure out if my mother had high blood pressure or low, why she wasn’t eating, if the rehab exercises were doing any good, what meds she should be on, what to do about her arm, which had at that point not been seen by any doc but the one in ER who had ordered it splinted and what we were going to do after she left the Forum… a friend passed on the following poem by Helen Steiner Rice.

It spoke exactly to my situation, and was a very welcome reminder.

It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God’s design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy
hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
God opens this flower
so sweetly,
In my hand it will fade and die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God’s design,
Then how can I think
I have wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?

So I’ll trust in Him
For His leading
Each moment of every day.
I will look to Him
For His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.

The pathway
That lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I’ll trust Him to unfold
the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.

Helen Steiner Rice
(1900 – 1981)

Poems and Prayers of Helen Steiner Rice