Blog Tour Next Week



Well, next week the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Blog tour will be focusing on The Enclave. The tour will start Monday and continue through Wednesday. While I haven’t signed up as an official participant, I will doing posts relating to The Enclave during that time…

In fact, why not start today?

Some of you may recall awhile back (like, um, November 2008?)  I had to answer some questions for Bethany House’s Marketing and Publicity department.  I listed a few and suggested I might post my answers on the blog. So I’ll start with their  first question which was, “Why did you write this book?”

Here is my answer:

I believe I am called to write books that reveal different aspects of the unseen angelic conflict the Bible references in numerous passages (Gen 6, Job 1, Is 14, Ez 28, Eph 6, Revelation, etc). In so doing I hope to challenge people to consider this aspect of our existence and even our purpose on earth.

 I began developing The Enclave before my first novel Arena had sold. I wanted to do a book that would serve as a bridge from standard suspense to the straight science fiction/fantasy of Arena which uses an actual alternate world as a metaphor for the world system mentioned in Eph 6:12 and 1 Jn 2:15 (“Do not love the cosmos nor the things in the cosmos…”).  For The Enclave I would instead use a “world” within our world to serve as my metaphor, hopefully creating a story that wouldn’t be so far “out there” as Arena, since at the time nearly everyone I talked to informed me that SF didn’t sell in the Christian market.

0 thoughts on “Blog Tour Next Week

  1. Rachel Starr Thomson

    I’m working on my post for the blog tour right now. I loved The Enclave (it’s the first book of yours I’ve read) and look forward to helping you promote it. Thanks for sharing what you view as your calling — fascinating stuff.

  2. Rebecca LuElla Miller

    Not to put pressure on Rachel, but Karen, we’re all in for a treat when it comes to reading Rachel’s posts. She’s insightful and creative, and writes beautifully.

    I’m looking forward to reading what everybody has to say, actually. We have some who approach the tour with wit and some with a writer’s critical eye. Lots are readers who want to tell others about the stories they’ve enjoyed.

    Should be fun! 😉



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